I think almost every mom wishes she could work at home. The idea of not having to leave your kids and being able to stay cozy at home while earning money is a dream many women have.
But the truth isn't all long, delicious afternoons perfectly juggling emails, clients, with the sweet sounds of children playing at your feet.
The reality is that it's hard work. It's harder in many ways to work at home than it is to work in an office or be a stay-at-home with only mom and home duties to worry about.
Would I change anything from the last 18 years of doing it? No.
I hear from a lot of moms who wish they could work at home. They tell me about how they've submitted so many applications and have heard nothing or have started a website and aren't getting any sales. They're frustrated and oftentimes getting depressed and don't know what to do next.
The answer is: fight harder.
Very few work-at-home jobs just fall into people's laps. You can't think like an employee trying to get an office job. There are tons of those. There are way more people who want a work-at-home position.
You have to fight for it harder and put in more thought.
For those looking for jobs: a woman named Erika Nicole posted on in the group yesterday about how she took amazing, proactive steps to going from no job prospects to four interviews and being invited to three assessments.
She didn't apply and then sit back, lamenting about how no one was calling her back and there are no jobs, she went above and beyond.
You have to do that. We're not taught how to fight and think outside of the box in schools, but it's a skill you need if you want a life most people don't have.
Pretty much everyone is doing the same thing at the same level of effort. If you can be the less than 1% who goes a little further, you will stand out.
Moms who are working their businesses:
If you're not making sales, that means something has to change. Telling yourself your market is oversaturated won't get you anywhere. Every market could be considered oversaturated. There are tons of books and t-shirts on the market and yet people are still coming out with new books and t-shirts.
You can't create a product and then wait for sales to roll in.
If McDonalds is still marketing, you have to, too. If your marketing isn't working, take the time to find out why. Look at other people in your field. Study their social media. Buy a course. Get a mentor. Watch the incredible library of free YouTube videos on every subject we have available.
My first work-at-home job didn't float into my lap. I went out and found it. I emailed businesses until someone said yes. I had no qualifications for marketing other than knowing I'd do whatever it took.
I could have been afraid of hearing no but I had a baby to feed and bills to pay.
Some of you know I'm a writer. I've sold books to publishers as well as self-published many books (self-publishing is awesome, by the way- go for it). For one of my most popular books, I had over 15 rejections before I got one yes.
It was hard and I felt bad, but I believed in my book. Imagine if I'd quit after the 14th rejection.
I know many moms struggle with low self-esteem. By the time you become a mom you've been a woman in the world for many years which is not easy. We've been through things. A lot of us haven't had easy lives.
Motherhood takes a lot out of us, too. It's thankless. Society treats us like we don't have a brain. When you walk around in sweatpants all day and wipe people's butts it's easy to feel like you don't have much to give the world, but you do.
You're intelligent. Running a home is HARD and you do that every day. Do you know how many high-powered corporate types and CEOs couldn't run a home the way you do? They'd have to hire a team to do what you do by yourself. And you probably do it on not enough sleep.
I want you to decide to take yourself seriously. Push a little harder. Find out what you can change in your resume. Take a course or start learning from people doing what you want to do online. Read a book about marketing (I love Zig Ziglar's old books- amazing).
Don't sell yourself short or give up. You're a mom with something the world needs. Fight a little harder.
love, Bunmi
Recent Job Listings & Blogs for Sale: https://www.peacefulwahm.com/job-listings
If you'd like one-on-one coaching: https://www.peacefulwahm.com/coaching
I wasn't planning on offering coaching here even though I've done it for years, but a mom from the group reached out to me (thanks Tamatha!) asking for coaching and I realized it was kind of silly not to offer help here. My fee isn't outrageous and it helps with the time/expenses of the site and paying for the amazing people who help me run it.
When I was just getting started I didn't have someone to help or tell me they believed in me, but I'm saying it now: I believe in you.