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Mom-Owned Business Spotlight: Natalie Rebecca Holm

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by Jessica Bowers

Business Name: Rebecca Holm Design

“Do what you love and the money will follow” – Marsha Sinetar

Eight years into her successful business venture, Natalie Rebecca Holm continues to go with her gut.

Her story follows little of the conventional business trajectory we usually hear about.  There was no business plan, no big investment, and no major setbacks.  It really seemed like a dream that she was watching unfold. 


 A truly spiritual person, Natalie took a leap of faith when she decided to stop working full-time, in 2016. In order to pursue selling her printable planner pages, she tested the waters before she quit her job and was validated that her product would be in demand.  


Owning a business is not everyone’s path. She would much rather encourage you to stop looking at what others are doing and turn the focus to what you love to do. Women have an innate purpose that will ultimately guide them to success.  If you are already aware of yours, you are one step ahead.   Others should spend time figuring this part out.  What do you gravitate towards in your free time? This is where the magic is.  

For Natalie, it was anything stationery.  She loved pens, paper, even the smell of the office supply store.  So, when the kids were in bed, she would design lists, calendars, and other planning templates.  She only used extra income to reinvest in new supplies she needed.


 After the rare and quick growth of her business, a few years in, Natalie struggled with fear and anxiety of losing what she had created.  However, the thought of making any rash changes just didn’t feel right.  She didn’t want fear to run her business and stuck to only working on the things that came naturally.  This was always enough to support the organic growth of her sales, which happen to be enough to currently require her to work a few hours per week. 


Natalie’s advice in all areas seems to go against the grain, but is what has gotten her to this point:

  • Hire your friends. When you need help, hire people from your circle. They will be in your corner, and you can trust them.  

  • Be reactive vs. proactive. Sure, social media, marketing campaigns and webinars work for some. It is also okay to go at your own pace. Solely chasing sales may detract from your joy.    

  • Sell only what you would buy.  Don’t get hung up trying to cater to the masses or trends.  Things will get out of hand quickly this way.  

There are still moments in disbelief of the progression her company has sustained.  Oddly enough, Natalie endured her imposter syndrome only by staying true to herself. So, if you are looking for a step-by-step guide to her journey, she will tell you to simply follow your heart.

Read more about her story at Natalie Rebecca Design, on Amazon.


Written by fellow WAHM, Jessica Bowers

1 Comment

Apr 01, 2024

Very Informative & Inspiring Story!

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