Stories and advice from real moms who are doing it.

Being a mom means doing what you have to do. Call center jobs are NOT easy even when you don't have a child in the background, but when a mom can't afford childcare, what's she supposed to do? her best.
This post is a compilation of real anonymous posts by moms who work for call centers. They share their stories and give advice. The spelling and grammar were left as is.
Advice from Real Work-at-Home Call Center Moms (with babies at home)
"I wfh phone based , well basically a call center I’m a single parent 3 kids 2 in school and a 2 yr old home with me, I have no childcare nor can I afford it, I live in a small apartment so I can see my 2 yr old basically easily, I’ve been doing this for about 7 months now. Honestly I’m looking for another remote position that is not only phones, but I’ve made it threw these past few months, call volume is not so bad, and I’ve found my Rythm in everything. It’s possible to do def not Easy, depends on your child’s temperament, but it can be done. I had to find something remote, previously I was working 2 days a week in person at a regular job and I had to quit because I had no child care, so I had to make something work." -AdPure3230
"My husband and I are both WFH and he has an entirely phone based sales job--and he CANNOT watch LO even a little bit. there's also no flexibility with his job as it's set hours and it's customer facing, rather than a behind the scenes project based job (like mine). So all the times we've been without childcare, it's me watching LO because in a pinch I can work and watch her. it's not sustainable longterm but i can do it because I'm not on the phone much.
I'd say a good idea would be to learn SQL or something like that to build skills to get a development type job where you have a lot of independent work." -Anon
"I worked from home with my son for 11 months. I scheduled a babysitter to come about 12 hours a week and scheduled all my phone time into those hours because I found it quite stressful to worry about him while on the phone. Otherwise I was able to entertain him well enough while doing other online tasks but even when happy he was noisy!" -HWHickes
"I WFH with my 13 month old and have since day one. I’ve received two raises and a promotion in that time for my performance. and my child is thriving." -Careful_Remote
"It really depends on the baby. I WFH for a call center and had my daughter with me most work days when she was an infant. She is super mellow and made the occasional noise but it was 100% manageable. She is 18 months and I could still work with her if I needed to be. She’s just laid back.
With that said, my six month old is very demanding. I had him hang out with me for about half an hour last week when dad needed to run a quick errand and it was not easy. There’s absolutely no way I could work with him here." -ComfortableRabbit5